BYU is hosting a face-to-face meeting for university people interested in APIs and related topics (see below) on June 3 and 4 in Salt Lake City.

BYU is hosting a face-to-face meeting for university people interested in APIs and related topics (see below) on June 3 and 4 in Salt Lake City. Register here.
We've been working on a University API at BYU for almost a year now. The idea is to put a consistent API on top of the 950-some-odd services that BYU has in its registry. The new API uses resources that be understandable to anyone familiar with how a university works.
As we got into this effort, we found other universities had similar initiatives. Troy Martin started some discussions with various people involved in these efforts. There's a lot of excitement about APIs right now at universities big and small. That's why we thought a workshop would be helpful and fun.
The University API & Domains (UAD) workshop covers topics on developing API’s, implementing DevOps practices, deploying Domain of One’s Own projects, improving the use of digital identity technologies, and framing digital fluency on University campuses, This workshop is focused on addressing current issues and best practices experienced in building out conceptual models and example real-life use cases. Attendees include IT architects, educational technologists, faculty, and software engineers from many universities.
Kin Lane, the API Evangelist, will be with us to get things kicked off on the first morning. After that, the agenda will be up to the attendees because UAD is an unconference. It has no assigned speakers or panels, so it's about getting stuff done. We will have a trained open space facilitator at the workshop to run the show and make sure we are properly organized.
Because UAD is an unconference, you’re invited to speak. If you have an idea for a session now or even get one in the middle of the conference, you’re welcome to propose and run a session. At the beginning of each day we will meet in opening circle and allow anyone who wants to run a session that day to make a proposal and pick a time. There is no voting or picking other than with your feet when you choose to go.
Whether you're working at a university or just interested in APIs and want to get together with a bunch of smart folk who are solving big, hairy API problems, you'll enjoy being at this workshop and we'd love to have you: Register here.